Thursday, 26 November 2009's acquisitions

I don't remember the last time I've been so exited about something I bought...:

1. This huge pink bow from Dulapul Bunicii , which is resting for the moment on my bf's plush Cartman puppet :D:D (you should really see this image :P) , until I incorporate it in a smart outfit .

2. The colourful vintage shirt/summer jacket, which I just ordered 10 minutes ago . I can't wait for its arrival :D:D, my heart just started calming down...

What do you think about these ?


Alice in vintageland said...

De bentita nu pot zice nimic ca doar eu am confectionat-o, dar imi place la nebunie the vintage shirt/summer coat - e superba! I can hardly wait for you to make some outfits out of them:)

phantasnight said...

don't be modest girl:P:P ,am purtat bentita in ziua in care mi-ai adus-o se potrivea neaparat , dar am zis 'what the hack?' :D:D...acuma am facut ceva poze, sper sa si ajung sa le postez in curand ...

CeImbracAzi-Sonia said...

De unde e camasuta? Imi place fff mutl combinatia de culori, imi aduc aminte de niste bombonele :)

phantasnight said...

acum ca ai mentionat, parca si simt mirosul de bombonele CIP :D:D
camasa e vintage, de pe


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